

  1. Send in order form
  2. Wait for our reply + confirmation of order(s)
  3. Make payment
  4. Once payment is checked, will mail out studs within 2 days!


  1. Capping at 15 orders
  2. Once reached 15 orders, all paid, will send in orders, within 5 days, i'll be collecting them from supplier!
  3. Packed, and mail them out by 3 days! (:
  4. If you don't wanna wait for cappings, please top up another $3!
    - Make payment.
    - Orders sent to supplier
    - 2 - 3 days will reach me, and will mail out within the next 2 days! (:

Supplying Rates 

  1. $7.50 / 10 orders for speech bubble rings.
  2. Earstuds capping at 16 orders, able to mix and max. (Mail me for rates)